11 Dec 2022
Derayah Financial Company announces a change in the membership of the Board of Directors of the Derayah Gulf Equity and Income Fund

Derayah Financial Company announced a change in the membership of the Board of Directors of the Derayah Growth and Income Equity Fund due to the appointment of a board member, Muhammad Yasser Maqbool Muhammad Maqbool Malik (non-independent member), as of 12-20-1443 AH corresponding to 07-19-2022 AD, to become members of the Board of Directors Fund after change:
*Mohammed bin Saeed bin Mansour Al Shamasi (non-independent member)

  • Muhammad Yasser Maqbool Muhammad Maqbool Malik (non-independent member)
  • Haitham bin Rashid bin Abdulaziz Al Mubarak (Independent member)
  • Muhammad bin Abdul Mohsen bin Musa Al-Qurainis (Independent member)

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