Margin Lending Agreement

Margin Lending Agreement

If you are an active trader in the stock market, have a short-term investment strategy (daily or weekly), and have experience in managing your investments, the Free Margin is one of the best solutions available to you on the Saudi market.

Free Margin Specificities

  • Monthly financing contract
  • No fee for submitting a margin request
  • Free financing (no financing costs)
  • More flexibility in selecting shares per Equity Rating requirements
  • Shariah approved
  • Higher volatility and investment risks
  • Subject to margin calls or liquidation if the investment value falls below a predetermined value

Terms & conditions Required


  • An active Derayah account

  • The margin amount should not be less than 10,000 Saudi riyals

Required documents

  • This product requires the customer to visit Dearayh’s office

Fees & minimum balance

  • The minimum balance is 10,000 Saudi riyals

Service standards

  • Trading in the Saudi market

  • Live prices

  • Benefit from additional services

Online Margin

Frequently Asked Questions

You can browse frequently asked questions about this service.

If your question is not available here, You can contact us.

Can I get a margin through Derayah platform?

Absolutely! You can get margin through Derayah platform. However, it is exclusively for trading in the Saudi market.

How to get Free Margin Trading?

You can get it by submitting a Free margin trading request through the Derayah platform.

What is the minimum requirement for a Free Margin Trading margin?

The minimum amount to apply for Free Margin Trading is 10,000 Saudi riyals

Are there additional fees for margin?

There are no additional fees to get margin from Derayah

Still need some help?

If you have some questions or comments, feel free to let us know and we will respond as quickly as possible