Equity Funds

We offer alternative investment products to meet the client needs

The fund aims to grow capital in the long term by investing primarily in companies listed on the main Saudi financial market, and in the parallel market (“Nomu”), rights shares and initial offerings issued within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All of the fund’s investments must be compatible with the Sharia standards approved by the Fund’s Sharia Committee. The fund manager will also invest in money market instruments, money market funds, real estate traded funds, exchange-traded funds, and closed-end mutual funds. The Fund will not distribute dividends to its unit holders, but all profits will be reinvested by the Fund.

The fund aims to preserve capital by investing in short-term cash instruments that comply with the fund’s Sharia standards, providing investors with diversification through investment in money market funds.

The fund aims for capital appreciation in the long term and to distribute dividends periodically by investing mainly in the securities of companies listed on the Saudi stock market and in the remaining GCC stock markets, including IPOs and secondary offerings, listed tradable rights, REITs, and ETFs and shares of companies listed on the parallel market. The fund also aims to invest in fixed income instruments such as: Sukuk and money market instruments locally, in the GCC, and internationally

The fund aims to grow capital in the long run by basically investing in Companies listed in the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul), Rights issues and Initial Public offerings issued in Saudi Arabia. All of the Fund’s investments shall be in accordance with Sharia standards approved by the Sharia Committee of the Fund. The Fund will not distribute dividends to its unit holders, but all profits will be reinvested by the Fund.