Security Tips

Avoiding Fraud and phishing
  • Always make sure you are on Derayah’s official website preceded by https.
  • Do not respond to social media accounts, calls, emails, and text messages that offering services on behalf of Derayah or ask you to provide or update your information, make sure you are communicating with Derayah’s official channels Contact Us – Derayah Financial.
  • Beware of suspicious emails and anonymous calls that ask you to disclose your password or your personal information.
  • Report any suspicious calls, emails, and texts that impersonating Derayah to Derayah Support.
  • Do not install any applications on your mobile phone from unknown or suspected publishers, and check the name of the publisher.
  • Install Derayah Apps from the official Derayah Financial profile (Derayah Financial) in the authorized Apps stores.

Secure usage
  • It is highly recommended to use a complex password (alphabets, numbers, and symbols) for your portfolio and should be different than your other accounts and devices passwords.
    Change your password periodically.
  • Do not write your password down or share it with others, Derayah’s team will never ask for your password.
  • Do not use other people’s devices for signing in to your portfolio.
  • Do not use public networks or public devices because of they are not secure and could disclose your portfolio credentials.
  • When you finish your session, make sure to sign-out from your portfolio.
  • Do not stay away from your device when using your portfolio, doing so could lead to other people using your account.
  • Enable two-factor authentication to increase level of security of your device, two-factor authentication is using two factors for signing-in, for example (password + Fingerprint or facial recognition).
  • To be protected from vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers, update your devices and software to the latest version periodically.
  • Install anti-virus software and enable the firewall.
  • Do not install untrusted or pirated software.