Alternative Investments

Among the latest steps taken to expand our investment offering, we have targeted the real estate investment sector by launching real estate funds in order to enable our clients to invest in development projects and acquire leased properties generating suitable income.

Derayah REIT is a Shariah compliant closed-end real estate investment fund (the “Fund”). The Fund aims to generate income on the investors’ capital through investing in income-generating real estate assets in accordance with the strategy set out in Fund’s terms & conditions and the relevant regulations. The Fund distributes quarterly dividends of no less than ninety percent (90%) of net profit to Fund’s Unit-holders. The Fund operates in accordance with the Real Estate Investment Funds Regulations and the Real Estate Investment Traded Funds Instructions issued by the Capital Market Authority.

For additional information, kindly visit Derayah REIT page.
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These are designed to acquire existing leased properties that generate suitable income. Derayah team carefully considers the opportunities and ensures the authenticity of title deeds and buildings, and the demand and supply factors. The team will then design the right financial structure of the acquisition, taking into account the maximum rate of return with reasonable degree of risk.

These are designed to develop real estate projects in all segments (commercial, residential, office and industrial). Derayah – in cooperation with a real estate developer – will develop the theme, ensure feasibility, develop designs, obtain licenses, and select contractors.