Discretionary Portfolio Management

A Discretionary Portfolio is a portfolio owned by the client for which Derayah would develop a special investment strategy based on the client’s investment goals and requirements. The portfolio will then be managed separately within the client’s account.

  • All portfolio assets remain the property of the client.
  • The client receives detailed periodic reports on the performance of the portfolio.
  • The client is periodically and transparently updated with all transactions, fees and costs periodically.
  • A customer-oriented investment strategy is developed in line with the client's objectives, conditions and risk requirements.

Benefits & Features

Investment not speculation

Investment not speculation

It focuses on long-term investment in high quality and promising companies in order to achieve capital growth and competitive returns. We avoid speculative or overvalued companies in order to protect clients from losing money.

Higher returns

Higher returns

We maintain a diversified portfolio and only take concentrated positions based on thorough and in-depth study of each company and after doing expert valuations. This helps us outperform the market in terms of returns.

Low minimum investment

Low minimum investment

We can manage your investment portfolio with as low as SAR 20 million.

Greater investment options available

Greater investment options available

Variety of options for portfolio management thereby allowing clients access to the right portfolio that would achieve their objectives and follow an investment strategy that suits their risk profile. Wide range of investment options, including stocks, bonds, capital markets and Sharia compliant Murabaha.

Multiple asset classes

Multiple asset classes

You can invest in various investment assets that fit your investment needs and risk tolerance.

Disciplinary and professional management

Disciplinary and professional management

An investment that is based on scientific and methodological process. professional investment team targets to achieve maximum return while keeping portfolio risk to minimum. Derayah DPM Clients have access to additional facilities. This allows client with higher risk appetite to target higher returns.